Pan-Aortic Replacement Surgery: Advancements, Challenges, and Outcomes in Treating Extensive Aortic Disease

Updated on April 27, 2023
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Treatment options for an unhealthy or damaged aortic valve include aortic valve replacement and aortic valve repair.

One of the four valves that regulate blood flow in the heart is the aortic valve. It divides the body's main artery from the left ventricle, the lower left chamber of the heart (aorta).

The aortic valve opens as the heart contracts, allowing blood from the left ventricle to flow into the aorta. The aortic valve closes as the heart slows down to stop blood from flowing backwards. Blood flow can be impeded by a defective or damaged aortic valve, which makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the rest of the body.

Aortic valve replacement or repair can increase blood flow and lessen heart valve disease symptoms when treated by experienced cardiology specialists in Dubai.

Introduction to Pan-Aortic Replacement Surgery

Aortic valve disease is treated through aortic valve replacement and repair. Just routine medical exams may be necessary for mild aortic valve dysfunction that has no symptoms. However, the majority of aortic valve issues are mechanical issues that eventually call for surgery to alleviate symptoms and lower the risk of complications including heart failure, heart attacks, strokes, or sudden cardiac arrest-related mortality.

Most of the time, surgeons advise valve repair because it reduces the chance of infection, preserves the heart valve, and may even improve heart function. The most appropriate course of action is determined by the precise nature of the aortic valve issue, the level of medical staff experience and expertise, and the patient's particular circumstances.

Traditional open heart surgery, which requires a cut (incision) in the chest, or minimally invasive procedures, which entail smaller incisions in the chest or the insertion of a catheter in the leg or chest, can both be used to repair and replace an aortic valve (transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR).

Understanding Common Heart Diseases, Cardiac Conditions

Heart disease is a broad term that refers to a variety of heart illnesses and issues. The heart's capacity to function effectively is impacted by heart disease and other diseases.

The ideal course of action is to talk to the best cardiologist in Dubai or a heart specialist about your situation. They can provide you with advice on the proper diagnosis, the name of your condition, and the course of action.

  • Coronary Heart Disease - When the coronary arteries, which carry blood to the heart, constrict or obstruct, the heart cannot receive enough oxygen-rich blood. Angina or a heart attack may result from it.
  • Angina - Angina is a condition in which there is pain or discomfort in the chest, arm, neck, stomach, or jaw as a result of a restriction in the blood flow to the heart caused by the narrowing of the arteries. Atheroma is the term for this obstruction. Angina is a sign of coronary heart disease, not a separate condition. When you are engaged in vigorous activity or under stress, angina is your heart's way of warning you that it is not receiving enough oxygen.
  • Heart Attack – Also known as myocardial infarction (MI), a heart attack occurs when the blood flow to a portion of your heart muscle is entirely cut off. A blood clot forms in a coronary artery as a result of a piece of fatty material breaking off, which is the most frequent cause of this. The area of your heart muscle that was supplied by that particular coronary artery may suffer damage as a result.
  • Heart Failure - When the heart's pumping function is ineffective, your heart muscle is unable to supply your body with the blood and oxygen it needs, and your body exhibits a variety of symptoms, including weariness and shortness of breath. Due to your heart's inability to function properly, this condition is known as heart failure.
  • Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms) - The heart muscle has a built-in electrical system that contributes to heartbeat stimulation. Your heart may beat abnormally (bradycardia), too quickly (tachycardia), or too slowly (bradycardia) if the electrical signals within it are disrupted or messed up. Arrhythmia is the term for this.

When to Consult a Cardiologist for Pan-Aortic Replacement Surgery?

When the aortic valve closes, it prevents blood from returning to your heart in the incorrect direction. Every time the heart beats, the cycle repeats. Your cardiologist doctor in Dubai can advise undergoing heart valve replacement surgery if the heart valve becomes diseased, leaky, or partially obstructed. When the aortic valve isn't working properly, it can restrict blood flow and put pressure on the heart to beat normally so that it can supply the rest of your body with the vital blood it needs. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS), and open heart surgery are all steps in an aortic valve replacement process

Latest Surgical Techniques and Technological Advancements in Pan-Aortic Replacement Surgery

  • Aortic valve replacement - Open-heart surgery and opening of the chest bone are typically required for aortic valve replacement (sternotomy). To restrict movement and promote healing, the bone is wired back together by the cardiology specialists in Dubai.
  • A less invasive surgery called balloon valvuloplasty may be done to repair the aortic valve if aortic valve stenosis prevents it from opening fully. A shorter hospital stay and smaller incisions are characteristic of minimally invasive cardiac valve surgery compared to open-heart surgery. A surgeon performs a procedure called a balloon valvuloplasty in which he or she threads a tiny, hollow tube called a catheter to the heart through a blood artery, typically in the groin. By expanding a balloon at the catheter's tip, the narrowed valve is made wider. Children and infants with aortic valve stenosis are frequently treated with balloon valvuloplasty. It is often only performed on individuals who are too unwell for surgery or who are waiting for a valve replacement because the valve tends to narrow again in those who have had the operation. Over time, you could require additional treatments to address the constricted valve. With time, some heart valve replacements may start to leak or perform less effectively. A leaking replacement heart valve may be fixed or sealed using surgery or a catheter technique.
  • Replacement of the aortic valve - If the aortic valve cannot be repaired, surgery may be required to replace it. In this treatment, the aortic valve is removed and replaced with a mechanical valve, a valve composed of cow, pig, human heart tissue, or both (biological tissue valve). It's occasionally possible to replace a biological tissue valve using the pulmonary valve from your own lung. You will need to take blood-thinning medications for the rest of your life if you have a mechanical valve in order to prevent blood clots. Biological valves frequently require replacement at some point because they age (degenerate) over time. To choose which type of valve is appropriate for you, you and your medical professionals should jointly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each. Open-heart surgery or minimally invasive techniques, which need smaller incisions than open-heart surgery, may be used to replace an aortic valve. A type of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement is transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Occasionally, it is referred to as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The outcomes of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement performed by skilled surgeons and facilities are comparable to those of open-heart surgery.

Challenges and Risks Associated with the Procedure

Surgery always carries some risk. The risks of aortic valve replacement and repair depending on your health, the type of surgery, and the surgeons' and other medical professionals' training. Aortic valve surgery should typically be performed at a facility with a multidisciplinary heart team that has experience in such procedures and performs numerous aortic valve surgeries in order to minimize potential hazards.

Surgery to replace or repair the aortic valve may have the following risks as well:

  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Problem or failure of a replacement valve
  • Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias)
  • Infection
  • Stroke
  • Death

Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes

You might need to stay in the intensive care unit for a day or more following aortic valve surgery or replacement (ICU).

With intravenous (IV) lines, you will get fluids, food, and medications. The urine from your bladder and the blood and fluid from your heart and chest will be drained using different tubes. You could receive oxygen.

You will be transferred to a standard hospital room for a few days after your stay in the ICU. Depending on your condition and the surgery, the length of time you remain in the ICU and hospital can change.

Throughout your hospital stay, your medical staff will:

  • Keep an eye out for infections at the sites of your incisions.
  • Check your heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure frequently.
  • Work with you to control any post-operative pain.
  • Urge you to take regular walks to gradually up your activity level and to practice deep breathing as you heal.

The length of your recovery depends on your procedure, your pre-procedure condition, and any complications.

Your cardiologist doctor in Dubai can advise you on when to resume regular activities after aortic valve replacement or repair, including driving, working, and exercising.

To monitor your heart health and look for issues like valve failure, you'll likely need regular physicals. It could be possible to perform imaging studies to check the aortic valve's functionality.

It's crucial to have a heart-healthy lifestyle following heart valve surgery. Your cardiology specialists could advise making these lifestyle modifications:

  • Regularly exercising
  • Managing weight
  • Consuming a balanced diet
  • Controlling stress
  • No smoking

Aster Cardiologist Specialist Team in Dubai

To enhance your general health and aid in your recovery following aortic valve surgery, your healthcare professional could also advise signing up for a program of education and activity known as cardiac rehabilitation. The cardiology specialists' group consists of:

  • Senior Consultant: Dr. Anil Kumar Sir
  • Dr. Manoj P Nair
  • Nukavarapu Raja Ramesh

Aster Centre of Excellence in Cardiology

You may rest assured that your case is in capable hands when you choose the Aster DMHealthcare group for cardiac care. This institution, which is regarded as one of the greatest centers for cardiac treatments, has earned a name for itself internationally thanks to its first-rate facilities, remarkable medical procedures, and a team of highly respected medical professionals.

Why Choose Dubai for the Best Cardiology Specialist and Treatment

The Heart Center has a cardiac laboratory that provides both adult and pediatric patients with a wide range of non-invasive and minimally invasive diagnostic testing using cutting-edge tools and technology.

Aster offers all the services a Dubai Cardiologist should offer. They include transthoracic, trans-esophageal, and stress tests for the heart. In addition, there is a lab for cardiac catheterization interventions.

Our internationally trained cardiologists have been at the forefront of innovation and use cutting-edge procedures that have helped cardiac catheterization become a successful way of identifying and treating a variety of heart conditions. The most cutting-edge monitoring equipment is used to keep an eye on every patient in the cardiac care unit.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Heart in Climate and Lifestyle

  • Your strength, flexibility, and balance can all be enhanced by yoga. It can aid in stress relief and relaxation. As if that weren't enough, yoga may also benefit heart health.
  • No matter how much weight you have, spending a lot of time sitting down could shorten your life. Blood sugar and blood fat levels appear to be negatively impacted by desk jobs and couch potatoes. If you sit at a desk all day, don't forget to get up and move about frequently. Take a walk during your lunch break, and get regular exercise when you have free time.
  • Along with being tasty, dark chocolate also has heart-healthy flavonoids. These substances assist in lowering inflammation and your chance of developing heart disease.

Patient Stories: Successful Cardiac Treatments by Team Aster in Dubai

Your AsterDM Team

To give patients with aortic valve disease the best care possible, a comprehensive team of heart specialists at AsterDM Healthcare collaborates. Our team of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons is highly skilled in both aortic valve replacement and repair. The medical professionals of AsterDM Healthcare and the Valvular Heart Disease Clinic are experts at identifying and treating patients with aortic valve disease and other heart valve conditions. Cardiologists assess patients with aortic valve disease to decide the best course of treatment, which may include aortic valve replacement, repair, or another alternative.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cardiology Services
What is the difference between a heart specialist and a heart surgeon?
Which type of cardiologist is best?
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Who is the best cardiologist in UAE?
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Which country is best for Cardiology?
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How serious is an aortic valve replacement?
What is the success rate of aortic valve replacement surgery?